Thinking about Resigning?

There are some Do’s and Don’ts
First off, well done! You got the job and so congratulations are definitely in order! But then after the initial high the scary realisation kicks in – you must quit your current job. Aaagh! Fret not, we’ve got you covered.
There’s a simple timeline to follow to make sure you have a smooth transition. Now is not the time to undo all your hard work for your employer and it’s important to keep your reputation intact on exit.
Timing is Everything
Hold your horses! Before you run around the island with your news make sure your offer is solid. By this I mean more than just a verbal offer, so ensure you have a signed contract in hand before you even think about handing in your notice.
Go to Line
Keeping an exciting offer secret can be hard, but do not spill your news to your teammates/ colleagues before you inform the person you report directly into (usually your manager) that you are leaving. This should always be your first port of call. From there you can move on to HR and everyone else.
Letter Writing
Dust off your keyboard, it’s time to write a resignation letter. Keep your letter short, grateful and to the point. Sign, print and hand to your manager in a plain envelope.
The Meeting
Go to a quiet area or ideally book a room to have your meeting. Usually it won’t last too long. It’s important to stick to the task at hand so proffer your resignation letter and be prepared to discuss your reasons for leaving. Remuneration? Progression? Development? Whatever your reasons are you should be able to explain this to your manager. Be polite but clear that this is your final decision. Needless to say, this is not the time to complain or show ill will. Keep it factual, say thank you and move on!
This can go either way. Best case you may find your manager is delighted for you and encourages you in taking the next step in your career. They could however think only of their own situation and be disappointed or even annoyed you’re leaving. Stay cool and keep a clear head. Try not to be affected by their reaction.
Beware The Counter Offer
Have you thought about what you’ll do if you receive one? Ask yourself what the best decision for your career really is. Will more money or a promotion promise change things? It’s flattering to get a counter offer but time and time again those who accept them are back on the market in as little as six months. Don’t engage in these conversations if you’ve no intentions of staying.
Keep it Professional
Finally, the hard part is over! Now that the deed is done it’s important to stay positive and professional and refrain from engaging in negative conversations. Say goodbye and keep in touch with those colleagues you get on with. You never know when your paths might cross.
Don’t Burn Bridges
Give as much notice as possible, at a minimum work your contracted notice period.
Honour your non-compete (if applicable).
Always bear in mind you will likely come across your manager/colleagues again.
Double check your contract re resignation policies.
During your notice period continue to work to the best of your abilities.
Assist your employer – train your replacement/ write a detailed handover.
If in any doubt, ask The Agency team for our advice. We’re here to guide you through this quagmire!